On my way…..

Everything is packed and am waiting at the Ottawa airport to catch my flight from Ottawa to Toronto. If there is anything I forgot, it is too late now. Did my three point check, passport, check, plane ticket, check, VISA card, check. If I forgot anything at this stage I can always buy it in Japan.

Had a good last day at work. We had a nice team lunch to see off one of our co-workers. Usually it can be hectic trying to make sure things are in order and caught up before leaving. However, it was a manageable day and I know things are in good hands, as usual.

On the drive to the airport Masa broke the news that it looks like typhoon 18, which is passing close to Japan, will mean we will probably have rain the first 3 or 4 days. Well, it will be a good way to toughen us up and see how well our preparations and gear choice works.

On the drive to the airport was one of the most beautiful sunrise I had seen in awhile. It reminded me of the beautiful sunrise when I was in Nova Scotia recently after my mother came out of the hospital. I always get pre-trip jitters thinking of last minute things. However, the sunrise had a calming effect, as if saying, “calm down everything will be alright”. The sunrise only lasted about 5 minutes, but even Masa commented it was giving me a nice send off. I tried to take a photo, but my camera doesn’t do it justice.

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